俄罗斯在圣诞节袭击了乌克兰的能源基础设施,造成断电和至少1人死亡。 Russia attacked Ukraine's energy infrastructure on Christmas, causing outages and at least one death.
在圣诞节当天,俄罗斯对乌克兰的能源基础设施发动大规模攻击,部署了70多枚导弹和100多架无人机。 On Christmas Day, Russia launched a massive attack on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, deploying over 70 missiles and over 100 drones. 罢工造成大面积停电,至少一人丧生。 The strikes caused widespread power outages and killed at least one person. 乌克兰部队设法拦截了50多枚导弹和大量无人机。 Ukrainian forces managed to intercept over 50 missiles and a significant number of drones. 俄罗斯总统沃洛迪米尔·泽伦斯基谴责这次袭击是"不人道的", President Volodymyr Zelenskyy condemned the attack as "inhumane," accusing Russia of deliberately choosing Christmas for the assault. 这标志着自冲突开始以来对乌克兰能源部门的第13次重大攻击。 This marked the 13th major attack on Ukraine's energy sector since the start of the conflict.