自2022年以来,已有70多万古巴人进入美国,368人在海上死亡或消失。 Over 700,000 Cubans have entered the U.S. since 2022, with 368 dying or disappearing at sea.
自2020年以来, 368名古巴人因试图跨越加勒比海前往美国而死亡或失踪, 逃离古巴经济危机。 Since 2020, 368 Cubans have died or disappeared trying to cross the Caribbean to the US, fleeing Cuba's economic crisis. 据国际移徙组织报告,至少有1 100名中美洲和南美洲移民也在这一路线上失踪。 The International Organization for Migration reports at least 1,100 Central and South American migrants have also disappeared on this route. 尽管存在风险,但2022年1月至2024年8月,70多万古巴人合法或非法进入美国,对没有美国赞助者的人来说,非法海上过境是危险的后退。 Despite risks, over 700,000 Cubans entered the US legally or illegally from January 2022 to August 2024, with illegal sea crossings being a dangerous fallback for those without US sponsors.