新西兰议员提议通过法案恢复太平洋岛民因1982年法令而丧失的公民身份。 New Zealand MP proposes bill to restore citizenship lost by Pacific Islanders due to 1982 act.
新西兰绿党议员Teanau Tuiono提出了一项法案,恢复因1982年《公民身份(西萨摩亚)法》丧失公民身份的个人的公民身份。 New Zealand's Green Party MP, Teanau Tuiono, has introduced a bill to restore citizenship to individuals who lost it due to the 1982 Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act. 该法案得到广泛支持,提交超过24 581份,包括许多来自太平洋青年。 The bill received broad support, with over 24,581 submissions, including many from young Pacific people. 其目的是纠正受影响个人及其家人面临的历史不公正,这是朝着赔偿方向迈出的重要一步。 It aims to rectify historical injustices faced by affected individuals and their families, marking a significant step toward reparation.