新西兰一致恢复受1982年歧视性法律影响的萨摩亚人的公民身份。 New Zealand restores citizenship to Samoans affected by a discriminatory 1982 law, unanimously.
新西兰议会一致通过一项法案,恢复因1982年法律而丧失公民身份的萨摩亚人的公民身份。 New Zealand's Parliament has unanimously passed a bill restoring citizenship to Samoans who lost it due to a 1982 law. Teanau Tuiono提出的《公民身份(西萨摩亚恢复)修正法案》允许1924年至1949年期间出生在萨摩亚的人申请公民身份而无需经过标准程序。 The Citizenship (Western Samoa Restoration) Amendment Bill, introduced by Teanau Tuiono, allows those born in Samoa between 1924 and 1949 to apply for citizenship without going through the standard process. 成功申请人还将获得相关费用的退款。 Successful applicants will also receive refunds for related costs. 该法案涉及一项歧视性法律,标志着朝着纠正过去的错误迈出了一步。 The bill addresses a discriminatory law and marks a step towards healing past wrongs.