新法案恢复了一些萨摩亚人的新西兰公民身份,但排除后代,引发了辩论。 New bill restores NZ citizenship to some Samoans but excludes descendants, sparking debate.
议会最近通过的《萨摩亚公民身份法案》旨在恢复1924年至1948年出生的萨摩亚人的新西兰公民身份,1982年的一项法令取消了他们的权利。 The Samoa Citizenship Bill, recently passed in Parliament, aims to restore New Zealand citizenship to Samoans born between 1924 and 1948, whose rights were revoked by a 1982 act. 该法案虽然被视为一些人采取的一个积极步骤,但由于将后代排除在外,使许多家庭仍在寻求全面恢复公民权,因此引发了辩论。 While seen as a positive step by some, the bill has sparked debate due to its exclusion of descendants, leaving many families still seeking full restoration of citizenship rights.