新西兰提议就《威坦哲条约》举行全民投票,引发了关于土著权利的辩论。 New Zealand's proposed referendum on the Treaty of Waitangi sparks debate over Indigenous rights.
新西兰公民发起的全民投票制度可以影响有关土著权利的辩论,特别是《威坦哲条约》。 New Zealand's system of citizens-initiated referendums (CIR) could influence the debate over Indigenous rights, specifically the Treaty of Waitangi. 由小党领袖David Seymour提议的一项法案旨在重写条约原则并将其付诸全民投票,引起对少数群体权利的关切。 A bill proposed by minor party leader David Seymour aims to rewrite the treaty principles and put them to a referendum, raising concerns about minority rights. 虽然克里斯托弗·卢克森总理直到二读才支持该法案,但一个潜在的CIR可能会使问题进一步复杂化,为辩论注入新的动力。 While Prime Minister Christopher Luxon supports the bill only until its second reading, a potential CIR could complicate the issue further, introducing new dynamics to the debate.