爱尔兰为圣诞节暂时释放138名囚犯,评估安全和罪行细节。 Ireland releases 138 prisoners temporarily for Christmas, evaluating safety and offense details.
在爱尔兰,138名囚犯获准在圣诞节期间临时释放,期限从几小时到7晚不等。 In Ireland, 138 prisoners are being granted temporary release for Christmas, with durations from a few hours to seven nights. 爱尔兰狱政署评估公共安全、犯罪性质、服刑时间、羁押中的行为以及批准释放时的释放记录等因素。 The Irish Prison Service evaluates factors like public safety, the nature of the offense, time served, behavior in custody, and prior release records when approving these releases. 罪犯必须遵守严格的条件,违法行为导致逮捕和立即返回监狱。 Offenders must adhere to strict conditions, with violations leading to arrest and immediate return to prison. 向已登记的受害者通报这些释放情况。 Registered victims are notified of these releases. 今年的数字表明,与前几年相比,临时释放量有所减少。 This year's figures show a decrease in temporary releases compared to previous years.