爱尔兰狱政署向138名囚犯提供临时的圣诞节释放,比近年来多。 Irish Prison Service grants temporary Christmas release to 138 prisoners, more than in recent years.
爱尔兰狱政署批准138名囚犯在圣诞节获得临时释放,比去年的139人有所增加。 The Irish Prison Service has approved temporary Christmas releases for 138 prisoners, up from 139 last year. 自2020年和2021年这一大流行病发生以来,释放人数有所增加,当时分别只批准了37人和70人。 The number of releases has risen since the pandemic years of 2020 and 2021 when only 37 and 70 were granted, respectively. 释放时间从几小时到七晚不等,并有确保公共安全的严格条件。 Releases range from a few hours to seven nights, with strict conditions to ensure public safety. 考虑犯罪性质、服刑时间和狱中行为等因素,并告知受害者释放情况。 Factors like the nature of the crime, time served, and behavior in prison are considered, and victims are informed of the releases.