尽管战争,乌克兰仍以传统庆祝圣诞节,并呼吁在2025年实现和平。 Despite war, Ukraine celebrates Christmas with traditions and calls for peace in 2025.
尽管与俄罗斯的战争还在持续, 乌克兰仍以Vertep等传统庆祝圣诞节, Despite the ongoing war with Russia, Ukraine continues to celebrate Christmas with traditions like the Vertep, a nativity play, reflecting the country's resilient spirit. Zelensky总统呼吁2025年实现团结与和平, 12月25日是第二个圣诞节, President Zelensky called for unity and peace in 2025, marking the second Christmas on December 25 after changing the date to distance from Russia. 许多家庭在装饰圣诞树的墓地纪念失去亲人的家庭,而与莫斯科有联系的乌克兰东正教会则面临禁令。 Many families honor lost loved ones at cemeteries decorated with Christmas trees, while the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, linked to Moscow, faces a ban.