乌克兰总统Zelensky签署了禁止乌克兰东正教莫斯科分部的法律,并为宗教团体与俄罗斯断绝关系规定了时限。 Ukrainian President Zelensky signed a law banning the Moscow branch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and set a time limit for religious groups to break ties with Russia.
乌克兰总统沃洛迪米尔·泽伦斯基在乌克兰独立第三天发誓要对俄罗斯进行更多报复. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky vowed more retribution against Russia on Ukraine's third independence day since the Russian invasion. Zelensky签署一项法律, 禁止与俄罗斯有联系的乌克兰东正教莫斯科分会保护乌克兰东正教不受莫斯科的影响。 Zelensky signed a law banning the Moscow branch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is linked to Russia, to protect Ukrainian Orthodoxy from Moscow's influence. 法律还规定了宗教团体与俄罗斯断绝关系的时限。 The law also sets a time limit for religious groups to break ties with Russia. 随着乌克兰继续入侵库尔斯克地区,俄罗斯以乌克兰东部城镇为目标,这一举动随之而来。 This move comes as Ukraine continues its incursion into the Kursk region and Russia targets eastern Ukraine towns. Zelenskyy称俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)为「红广场病人」, 指控他不断威胁核战争。 Zelenskyy called Russian President Vladimir Putin a "sick man from Red Square" and accused him of constant nuclear war threats.