尽管有战争,乌克兰人还是以坚韧不拔的精神庆祝情人节,纪念失去和爱。 Despite war, Ukrainians celebrate Valentine's Day with resilience, marking loss and love.
乌克兰人以悲伤和韧性的混合方式庆祝情人节,因为持续的战争导致许多人哀悼失去的亲人并与伴侣分离。 Ukrainians marked Valentine's Day with a mix of sorrow and resilience, as the ongoing war has caused many to mourn lost loved ones and separate from their partners. 寡妇们去墓地悼念,而一些情侣则通过送马卡龙等小动作来表达爱意。 Widows visited cemeteries to pay tribute, while some couples expressed love through small gestures like sending macaroons. 花店指出,由于攻击和不确定性的增加,销售额下降。 Florists noted a decline in sales due to increased attacks and uncertainty.