美国拨款4 667万美元,用于帮助西南弗吉尼亚州从海伦飓风中恢复过来。 The U.S. allocates $46.67 million to aid Southwest Virginia's recovery from Hurricane Helene.
美国政府已经拨出4 667万美元的联邦资金 帮助西南弗吉尼亚州 从海伦飓风造成的破坏中恢复过来 The US government has allocated $46.67 million in federal funding to help Southwest Virginia recover from Hurricane Helene's damages. 这笔资金由住房和城市发展部提供,用于支持长期恢复工作,包括恢复公共基础设施、住房和企业,以及协助职业培训和经济振兴。 The funding, provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, supports long-term recovery efforts, including restoring public infrastructure, homes, and businesses, and aiding job training and economic revitalization. 同时,受飓风影响的田纳西州居民在1月7日之前必须申请救灾援助费和SBA贷款。 Meanwhile, Tennessee residents affected by the hurricane have until January 7th to apply for disaster relief from FEMA and SBA loans.