由于消费者信心下降和美联储暗示未来将放缓降息,美国股市本周收低。 U.S. stocks end week lower as consumer confidence drops and Fed signals slower rate cuts ahead.
随着年底,美国股市表现喜忧参半,尽管周五上涨,但道琼斯指数、标准普尔 500 指数和纳斯达克指数每周下跌。 U.S. stocks showed mixed performance as the year winds down, with the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq experiencing weekly losses despite Friday's rally. 《恐惧与贪婪指数》进入了“恐惧”区,12月消费者信心下降幅度超过预期。 The Fear and Greed Index moved into the "Fear" zone, and consumer confidence dropped more than expected in December. 由于圣诞节假期,市场预期会有一个更安静的交易周。 The markets are anticipating a quieter trading week due to the Christmas holiday. 美联储表示明年减速较慢, 也影响了投资者的情绪。 The Federal Reserve's indication of slower rate cuts next year also impacted investor sentiment. 尽管星期五在低于预期的通货膨胀率的推动下出现了强劲的上升趋势,但本周的主要指数仍然下降。 Despite a strong upward move on Friday, fueled by lower-than-expected inflation, the major indexes still declined for the week.