冬季公园度假村的滑雪电梯裂缝导致174人的5小时营救,未报告有人受伤。 Ski lift crack at Winter Park Resort leads to five-hour rescue of 174 people, with no injuries reported.
科罗拉多州冬季公园度假村的滑雪电梯因发现裂缝而自动停止,导致救出174名滑雪者和滑雪者。 A ski lift at Winter Park Resort in Colorado automatically stopped due to a detected crack, leading to the rescue of 174 skiers and snowboarders. 5小时的营救涉及滑雪巡逻员用绳子将乘客降到地面,没有伤亡报告。 The five-hour rescue involved ski patrollers lowering passengers to the ground using ropes, with no injuries reported. 该度假胜地位于丹佛以西约70英里处,继续使用另外21台电梯运作,而官员则调查裂缝的原因。 The resort, located about 70 miles west of Denver, continued to operate with 21 other lifts while officials investigated the cause of the crack.