俄罗斯的斯巴达货轮在海上坠毁,在俄罗斯撤军时运载叙利亚军事装备。 Russian cargo ship Sparta breaks down at sea, carrying Syrian military equipment amid Russia's withdrawal.
由于燃料线故障,一艘俄罗斯货轮斯巴达在从叙利亚运载军事装备时,在葡萄牙附近的公海坠毁。 A Russian cargo ship, Sparta, has broken down in the open sea near Portugal while carrying military equipment from Syria due to a fuel line malfunction. 随着俄罗斯从叙利亚撤军,这一事件凸显了后勤问题。 This incident highlights logistical issues as Russia withdraws its forces from Syria. 报告表明,俄罗斯可能在2025年2月前完全撤出,这有可能作为解除国际制裁的交换条件,影响其在非洲的行动。 Reports suggest Russia might fully withdraw by February 2025, potentially in exchange for lifting international sanctions, impacting its operations in Africa. 此外,被推翻的叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德及其家人据说在莫斯科接受俄罗斯庇护。 Additionally, deposed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his family are reportedly in Moscow under Russian asylum.