普京敦促以色列撤出叙利亚,指出俄罗斯希望实现区域稳定。 Putin urges Israel to withdraw from Syria, noting Russia's desire for regional stability.
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京在年度年终新闻发布会上呼吁以色列从叙利亚领土撤出其部队。 Russian President Vladimir Putin called on Israel to withdraw its forces from Syrian territory during his annual end-of-year press conference. 普京表示希望以色列最终将离开叙利亚,但承认以色列目前正在增加在那里的驻军。 Putin expressed hope that Israel would eventually leave Syria but acknowledged that Israel is currently increasing its troop presence there. 这一请求突出了俄罗斯在叙利亚当前冲突期间维护区域稳定的利益。 This request highlights Russia's interest in maintaining regional stability amid the ongoing conflict in Syria.