Oxfordshire救护车服务要求居民避免因醉酒而发生紧急情况, Oxfordshire ambulance service asks residents to avoid drunk emergencies to free up life-saving responses.
牛津郡救护车服务面临巨大压力,正要求居民协助防止本周末发生可避免的紧急情况。 The Oxfordshire ambulance service is under significant pressure and is asking residents to help prevent avoidable emergencies this weekend. 这样就可以更快地应对威胁生命的病例,如心脏逮捕。 This will allow quicker responses to life-threatening cases like cardiac arrests. 中南救护车服务处(SCAS)建议人们了解自己的饮用限度,出去前吃饭,轮流饮用含水的酒精饮料,并计划安全回家的交通,以避免不必要的电话。 The South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) advises people to know their drinking limits, eat before going out, alternate alcoholic drinks with water, and plan safe transportation home to avoid unnecessary calls.