美国最高法院审理南卡罗来纳州禁止向计划生育基金提供医疗补助的案件。 U.S. Supreme Court to hear case on South Carolina's ban of Medicaid funds to Planned Parenthood.
美国最高法院将在4月2日审理一起涉及南卡罗来纳州州长亨利·麦克马斯特行政命令的案件,该行政命令禁止计划生育组织接受医疗补助基金。 The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on April 2nd in a case involving South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster's executive order, which excludes Planned Parenthood from receiving Medicaid funds. Medina诉计划生育案以国家能否将堕胎提供者排除在医疗援助方案之外为中心,影响到病人对保健提供者的选择。 The case, Medina v. Planned Parenthood, centers on whether states can exclude abortion providers from Medicaid programs, impacting patients' choice of healthcare providers. McMaster命令的支持者认为它保护生命和国家权利,而反对者则声称它限制病人的选择。 Supporters of McMaster's order argue it protects life and state rights, while opponents claim it restricts patient choice.