联邦法官推翻了拜登第九篇关于扩大对男女同性恋、双性恋、变性者和变性者学生的保护的规则, Federal judge strikes down Biden's Title IX rules expanding protections for LGBTQ+ students, siding with six states.
肯塔基州一位联邦法官宣布Biden政府旨在扩大对LGBT学生保护的第九编规则无效, A federal judge in Kentucky has invalidated the Biden administration's Title IX rules that aimed to expand protections for LGBTQ+ students, ruling that the regulations overstepped legal boundaries and violated free speech by mandating teachers use pronouns aligning with a student's gender identity. 该决定回应了六个州的一项诉讼,影响到26个州已经停止执行的1 500页条例。 The decision responds to a lawsuit by six states and affects a 1,500-page regulation that had already been halted in 26 states. 教育部没有对裁决作出评论。 The Education Department did not comment on the ruling.