爱尔兰拖网渔船Excel几乎与太平洋Petrel号油轮发生碰撞,原因是爱尔兰海的监视方法差。 Irish trawler Excel nearly collides with oil tanker Petrel Pacific due to poor lookout practices in Irish Sea.
2023年8月,一艘名叫Excel的爱尔兰拖网船在爱尔兰海与一艘在新加坡注册的油轮Petrel Pacific在爱尔兰海小幅避免了碰撞。 An Irish trawler, Excel, narrowly avoided colliding with a Singapore-registered oil tanker, Petrel Pacific, in the Irish Sea in August 2023. 海洋事故调查委员会(海难调查委员会)发现,两艘船舶都“完全不够”注意,导致对情况的认识丧失,碰撞几乎不可避免。 The Marine Casualty Investigation Board (MCIB) found that both vessels had "wholly inadequate" look-outs, leading to a loss of situational awareness and making a collision almost inevitable. 拖网船的船长在事件发生前加快了速度 油轮官员被文书工作分散了注意力 The trawler's skipper increased speed just before the incident, and the tanker's officer was distracted by paperwork. 海岸监测中心建议对拖网船主采取安全措施并进行风险评估。 The MCIB recommended safety measures and risk assessments for the trawler's owner.