西藏活动家Tsering Tso因批评歧视性做法被拘留在中国。 Tibetan activist Tsering Tso detained in China for criticizing discriminatory practices.
Tsering Tso是一名39岁的西藏权利活动家,在中国青海省被拘留两周,罪名是通过社交媒体传播虚假信息并制造麻烦。 Tsering Tso, a 39-year-old Tibetan rights activist, was detained for two weeks in China's Qinghai province on charges of spreading false information and causing trouble via social media. Tso以批评中国当局对藏族的歧视性做法而著称,在过去五年中多次被拘留。 Tso, known for her criticism of discriminatory practices by Chinese authorities towards Tibetans, has faced multiple detentions in the past five years. 在她获释后,她不忠地指出,青海的法律与中国不同,她将继续报告警察部队的歧视行为和腐败情况。 Upon her release, she defiantly stated that Qinghai's laws differ from China's, and she will continue to report on police force's discriminatory actions and corruption.