中国博客Liu Hanbin揭露了内蒙古的抗议活动, 他被拘留并面临长达五年的监禁。 Chinese blogger Liu Hanbin, who exposed protests in Inner Mongolia, is detained and faces up to five years in prison.
中国博客刘汉斌(Liu Hanbin)以Wen Yi Fan为名, 在揭发内蒙古境内土地没收抗议活动后被拘留一个月, Chinese blogger Liu Hanbin, known as Wen Yi Fan, has been detained for a month after exposing protests against land seizures in Inner Mongolia. 面对“挑拨争吵和挑拨麻烦”的指控,刘将被判处五年有期徒刑。 Facing charges of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble," Liu could receive a five-year prison sentence. 记者无国界组织呼吁释放他, 批评中国对独立新闻业的镇压, 中国在180个新闻自由国中排名第172位。 Reporters Without Borders has called for his release, criticizing the crackdown on independent journalism in China, which ranks 172nd out of 180 nations in press freedom.