研究发现,更快的行走速度与糖尿病风险较低有关。 Perceived faster walking speed is linked to lower diabetes risk, study finds.
日本Doshisha大学的一项新研究表明,认为自己行走速度比其他年龄和性别快的人患糖尿病和其他代谢疾病的风险较低。 A new study from Japan's Doshisha University suggests that people who think they walk faster than others of their age and sex have a lower risk of diabetes and other metabolic conditions. 研究涉及近25 000名肥胖症或高腰围的参与者,发现认为自己是“较快行走者”的人发现患糖尿病的风险显著降低。 The research, involving nearly 25,000 participants with obesity or a high waist circumference, found that those who considered themselves "faster walkers" showed a significantly reduced risk of diabetes. 这份研究报告发表在《科学报告》中,其中突出强调了加快行走速度对健康的潜在益处。 The study, published in Scientific Reports, highlights the potential health benefits of a perceived faster walking pace.