研究表明,加快步行速度与肥胖者健康风险降低相联系。 Faster walking speed linked to lower health risks in obese individuals, study suggests.
最近的科学报告中的一项研究表明,行走速度可以预测肥胖者对代谢健康的风险。 A recent study in Scientific Reports indicates that walking speed can predict metabolic health risks in obese individuals. 快步的人患糖尿病,高血压和脂质失调的风险明显降低. Researchers from Doshisha University in Japan found that faster walkers had significantly lower risks of diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. 评估主观行走速度可成为识别高危个人和防止代谢疾病的一个简单、不使用设备的工具。 Assessing subjective walking speed could become a simple, equipment-free tool for identifying high-risk individuals and preventing metabolic diseases.