美洲间法院规则萨尔瓦多禁止威胁生命的妊娠堕胎,侵犯了权利。 Inter-American Court rules El Salvador violated rights by denying life-threatening pregnancy abortion.
美洲人权法院裁定,萨尔瓦多在2013年不顾医生因高危怀孕而建议堕胎,拒绝堕胎,侵犯了称为Beatriz的妇女的权利。 The Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled that El Salvador violated the rights of a woman, known as Beatriz, by denying her an abortion in 2013 despite doctors recommending it due to a high-risk pregnancy. 法院命令萨尔瓦多支付赔偿金,制定处理类似案件的准则,并确保今后情况的法律清晰。 The court ordered El Salvador to pay compensation, establish guidelines for handling similar cases, and ensure legal clarity for future situations. 该裁决批评萨尔瓦多严格禁止堕胎,即使妇女的生命面临危险,也不允许有例外。 The ruling criticized El Salvador's strict abortion ban, which does not allow exceptions even when a woman's life is at risk.