德克萨斯州最高法院维持严格的堕胎禁令,驳回了 20 多名女性提起的诉讼。 Texas Supreme Court upholds strict abortion ban, dismissing lawsuits filed by over 20 women.
德克萨斯州最高法院维持了该州严格的堕胎禁令,驳回了 20 多名声称受到该法律限制伤害的女性提起的诉讼。 The Texas Supreme Court has upheld the state's strict abortion ban, dismissing lawsuits filed by more than 20 women who claimed they were harmed by the law's restrictions. 法院的判决保留了该禁令,但对医疗用途的例外情况进行了狭隘的豁免。 The court's decision leaves the ban in place, with its narrow medical exception. 该案在美国国家公共广播电台的卫生政策栏目中被塞莱娜·西蒙斯-达芬报道,该案将继续限制德克萨斯州获得堕胎服务的机会,而且对于那些挑战该裁决的人来说,不会立即得到救济。 The case, which saw Selena Simmons-Duffin report for NPR on health policy, will continue to limit access to abortion services in Texas, with no immediate relief for those challenging the ruling.