联合国委员会规则厄瓜多尔和尼加拉瓜通过强迫强奸受害者怀孕,侵犯了权利。 UN committee rules Ecuador and Nicaragua violated rights by forcing rape victims to carry pregnancies.
联合国人权事务委员会认定,厄瓜多尔和尼加拉瓜通过强迫强奸受害者怀孕至孕期,侵犯了强奸受害者的权利。 The UN Human Rights Committee found that Ecuador and Nicaragua violated the rights of rape victims by forcing them to carry pregnancies to term. 在涉及年轻女孩的案件中,委员会裁定,这种强迫怀孕相当于酷刑,侵犯了有尊严地生活的权利。 In cases involving young girls, the Committee ruled that such forced pregnancies amount to torture and violate the right to life with dignity. 政府未能保护这些受害者并提供必要的支助,违反了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》规定的义务。 The governments failed to protect these victims and provide necessary support, breaching their duties under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.