28岁的Josseli Barnica在德克萨斯州因严格堕胎法推迟流产治疗而死亡。 Josseli Barnica, 28, died in Texas after delayed miscarriage care due to strict abortion laws.
Josseli Barnica是得克萨斯州一名28岁的妇女,2021年因国家堕胎法推迟了40多个小时的流产护理,致使她死亡。 Josseli Barnica, a 28-year-old woman in Texas, died in 2021 after her miscarriage care was delayed for over 40 hours due to state abortion laws. 医务人员告诉她,干预是非法的,因为胎儿仍然有心跳,尽管她已经流产了。 Medical staff informed her that intervention was illegal because the fetus still had a heartbeat, even though she was already miscarrying. 专家后来表示,如果她得到及时治疗,她的死亡是可以预防的。 Experts later stated her death was preventable had she received timely treatment. 在2022年最高法院推翻Roe诉Wade案的裁决之后,得克萨斯州颁布了更严格的堕胎法。 Texas enacted stricter abortion laws following the 2022 Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.