波兰法院对活动家的案件作出裁决,这可以为严格的堕胎法律开创先例。 Polish court to rule on activist's case, which could set precedent for strict abortion laws.
波兰上诉法院将很快对Justyna Wydrzynska案件作出裁决,Justyna Wydrzynska是一名因帮助妇女获得堕胎药而被定罪的妇女权利活动家。 An appeals court in Poland will soon rule on the case of Justyna Wydrzynska, a women's rights activist convicted for helping a woman obtain abortion pills. Wydrzynska认为,原法官有偏见,被判处8个月的社区服务。 Sentenced to eight months of community service, Wydrzynska argues the original judge was biased. 在波兰,协助堕胎可能导致最高达三年的监禁。 In Poland, aiding an abortion can lead to up to three years in prison. 在一个拥有某些欧洲最严格的堕胎法律的国家,这一案例可以开创先例,只允许在特定条件下堕胎。 The case could set a precedent in a country with some of Europe's strictest abortion laws, allowing abortion only under specific conditions.