旅行护士Kelly Churney在锡拉丘兹因偷盗和使用病人信用卡被捕。 Travel nurse Kelly Churney arrested for stealing and using patients' credit cards in Syracuse.
一名46岁的旅行护士Kelly Churney在Syracuse被捕,据称他盗窃和使用病人的信用卡。 A 46-year-old travel nurse, Kelly Churney, was arrested in Syracuse for allegedly stealing and using patients' credit cards. Churney在北州社区医院和Van Duyn中心工作,面临盗窃大罪、非法拥有被盗财产和身份盗窃等指控。 Churney, working at Upstate Community Hospital and Van Duyn Center, faces charges of grand larceny, criminal possession of stolen property, and identity theft. 她是在一名病人报告跨越多个州的未经授权的指控后被捕的。 She was arrested after a patient reported unauthorized charges across multiple counties. 当局敦促任何受害者与Onondaga县治安官办公室联系。 Authorities urge any victims to contact the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office.