前NC退休家庭工人被控从居民手中盗取超过100万元的珠宝。 Former NC retirement home worker charged with stealing over $100K in jewelry from residents.
北卡罗来纳州Arden一家退休社区的一名23岁前雇员被指控盗窃居民价值超过10万美元的珠宝。 A 23-year-old former employee of a retirement community in Arden, North Carolina, has been charged with stealing over $100,000 worth of jewelry from residents. 为第三方公司工作的Dayna Lee Finnigan据称将被盗物品卖给了一家当铺。 Dayna Lee Finnigan, who worked for a third-party company, allegedly sold the stolen items to a pawn shop. 她于1月7日被捕, 面临指控, 包括假冒获得财产、剥削成年老人、以及盗窃重罪等。 She was arrested on January 7 and faces charges including obtaining property by false pretense, exploitation of an elderly adult, and felony larceny.