护士Carrie Hutchinson因在4年多的时间里从失明的老年病人那里偷14万美元而被捕。 Nurse Carrie Hutchinson arrested for stealing $140K from blind elderly patient over four years.
一名46岁的家庭保健护士Carrie Hutchinson因据称在佛罗里达州Polk县从一名77岁盲人手中偷窃超过140 000美元而被捕。 A 46-year-old home health care nurse, Carrie Hutchinson, was arrested for allegedly stealing over $140,000 from a 77-year-old blind man she cared for in Polk County, Florida. 盗窃发生在四年多的时间里,Hutchinson利用被盗资金支付个人开支。 The theft occurred over four years, with Hutchinson using the stolen funds for personal expenses. 受害人发现了可疑交易,并寻求朋友的帮助,导致调查揭露了欺诈。 The victim discovered suspicious transactions and sought help from a friend, leading to an investigation that revealed the fraud. Hutchinson面临包括大盗和剥削老年人在内的指控。 Hutchinson faces charges including grand theft and exploitation of the elderly.