28岁的前Mary Black医院雇员因盗窃病人电话和进行欺诈性购买而被捕。 28-year-old ex-Mary Black Hospital employee arrested for stealing patients' phones and making fraudulent purchases.
斯巴登堡州Mary Black医院前病人护理助理Jasmin Nasstassia Streeter被控偷窃病人物品。 28-year-old Jasmin Nasstassia Streeter, a former patient care assistant at Mary Black Hospital, Spartanburg County, is accused of stealing from patients. 两名受害者报告了被盗电话,其中一部电话用于将320美元转给街童PayPal,另一部用于在亚马逊购买价值600美元的物品。 Two victims reported stolen phones, with one phone used to transfer $320 to Streeter's PayPal, and another used to buy $600 worth of items on Amazon. 斯特里特被解雇并被捕,被指控犯有金融身份欺诈、剥削弱势成年人、金融交易卡欺诈以及以虚假借口获取财产。 Streeter was fired and arrested, charged with financial identity fraud, exploitation of a vulnerable adult, financial transaction card fraud, and obtaining property by false pretense.