弗吉尼亚州妇女因冒充加州医院护士,使用假身份而被捕。 Virginia woman arrested for impersonating a nurse at California hospitals, using false identities.
Amanda Leeann Porter, 44岁,来自弗吉尼亚州,因在多所加利福尼亚医院(包括普罗维登斯圣约瑟夫医疗中心)假扮一名注册护士而被捕。 她在那里工作了一个月左右,监管60名病人。 Amanda Leeann Porter, a 44-year-old woman from Virginia, was arrested for impersonating a registered nurse at multiple California hospitals, including Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center where she worked for about a month overseeing 60 patients. 波特被控盗用身份、虚假冒名顶替和大盗,使用假身份来获得工作。 Charged with identity theft, false impersonation, and grand theft, Porter used false identities to obtain employment. 她还因在弗吉尼亚州发生的欺诈行为而处于联邦缓刑期。 She is also on federal probation for a fraud violation in Virginia. 当局怀疑她可能犯下了类似的罪行,并正在向公众寻求信息。 Authorities suspect she may have committed similar offenses and are seeking information from the public.