Bridget Compton,51岁,被指控从一名住院病人那里偷窃超过130 000美元,并面临多项欺诈指控。 Bridget Compton, 51, is accused of stealing over $130,000 from a hospital resident and faces multiple fraud charges.
51岁的Bridget Compton,宾夕法尼亚Norristown州立医院的一名前雇员被控在2023年4月至6月期间兑现五张支票,盗窃居民Trinh Nguyen的130,000美元以上。 A former employee at Norristown State Hospital in Pennsylvania, Bridget Compton, 51, is accused of stealing over $130,000 from a resident, Trinh Nguyen, by cashing five checks between April and June 2023. 据称Compton冒充Nguyen授权这些交易,并将这笔钱花在个人开支上,包括去波多黎各旅行。 Compton allegedly impersonated Nguyen to authorize the transactions and spent the money on personal expenses, including a trip to Puerto Rico. 她面临包括访问设备欺诈、身份盗窃和伪造等指控。 She faces charges including access device fraud, identity theft, and forgery.