新西兰建筑商Shaw Butterworth正在加强中国BeidahuSki度假胜地,以吸引100多万滑雪者。 New Zealand builder Shaw Butterworth is enhancing China's Beidahu Ski Resort to attract over a million skiers.
来自新西兰的一位经验丰富的滑雪度假胜地建筑商Shaw Butterworth正在中国吉林开发一个新的地形公园。 An experienced ski resort builder from New Zealand, Shaw Butterworth, is developing a new terrain park in Jilin, China. 亚洲最大的单一地点度假胜地之一“Beidahu Ski Resort”(Beidahu Ski Resort)(Beidau Ski Resort)(Beidou Ski Resort)(亚洲最大的单一地点度假胜地之一)寻求成为中国第一个在一季接待100多万游客的旅游胜地,去年已经吸引了85万游客。 Beidahu Ski Resort, one of Asia's largest single-site resorts, seeks to become the first in China to host over one million visitors in a season, having already attracted 850,000 last year. 度假村计划加强设施,增加滑雪小道、电缆和造雪设备。 The resort plans to enhance facilities with more ski trails, cableways, and snowmaking equipment.