中国南部的雪地目的地看到,由于旅行选择的改进,东南亚旅游者人数激增。 Snow destinations in southern China see surge in Southeast Asian tourists due to improved travel options.
中国南部的雪景目的地在东南亚旅游者中越来越受欢迎。 Snow destinations in southern China are gaining popularity among Southeast Asian tourists. Kunming和Shangri-La等地吸引越南、新加坡、菲律宾及马来西亚的访客, Places like Kunming and Shangri-La attract visitors from Vietnam, Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia, thanks to improved travel options like the China-Laos Railway and more direct flights. 这些目的地提供热带气候中罕见的雪景景观,上海和广州等城市的室内滑雪度假胜地也满足了日益增长的兴趣。 These destinations offer snowy landscapes rare in tropical climates, and indoor ski resorts in cities such as Shanghai and Guangzhou also cater to the growing interest. 中国旨在扩大冰雪经济,目标是到2030年达到1.5万亿元人民币。 China aims to expand its ice and snow economy, targeting a value of 1.5 trillion yuan by 2030.