中国的Yushe雪山滑雪度假胜地吸引了7 000名滑雪者,在2024年产生了250 000美元,促进了当地旅游业。 Yushe Snow Mountain Ski Resort in China attracts 7,000 skiers, generating $250,000 in 2024, boosting local tourism.
2013年在中国贵州Lipanshui开放的Yushe雪山滑雪度假胜地,已成为滑雪爱好者的主要吸引力,为各种技能水平提供线索。 The Yushe Snow Mountain Ski Resort in Liupanshui, Guizhou, China, opened in 2013 and has become a major attraction for skiing enthusiasts, offering trails for all skill levels. 该度假村促进了当地旅游业,2024年有7 000名游客和180万元收入。 The resort has boosted local tourism, with 7,000 visitors and 1.8 million yuan in revenue in 2024. Liipanshui计划进一步发展冬季体育运动,整合文化、体育和旅游业,以提高旅游经验,发展当地经济。 Liupanshui plans to further develop winter sports, integrating culture, sports, and tourism to enhance tourist experiences and grow the local economy.