新加坡禁止改革正义团体因虚假主张而两年内从网上供资。 Singapore bars Transformative Justice Collective from online funding for two years due to false claims.
自2024年12月21日起,新加坡的变革司法集体(TJC)将两年内不得通过其在线平台获得金融福利。 The Transformative Justice Collective (TJC) in Singapore will be barred from receiving financial benefits through its online platforms starting December 21, 2024, for two years. 这一决定是在TJC就新加坡对死囚待遇的虚假陈述发出五项更正命令之后作出的。 This decision comes after TJC was issued five correction orders for false statements about Singapore's treatment of death row inmates. TJC网站及社交媒体现在必须展示有关谎言的警告观众, 并告诫他们要谨慎行事。 Under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act, TJC’s websites and social media must now display a notice warning viewers about the falsehoods and advising caution.