依据新加坡POFMA(POFMA), 活动家Kokila Annamalai因无视社会媒体的纠正命令而面临行动。 Activist Kokila Annamalai faces action under Singapore's POFMA for ignoring a correction order on social media.
Kokila Annamalai反死刑活动家Kokila Annamalai被转介至新加坡保护免受网上假冒和操纵法案(POFMA)办公室, 原因是她未遵守有关其社交媒体文章有关死囚法律程序的更正命令。 Anti-death penalty activist Kokila Annamalai has been referred to Singapore's Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) office for failing to comply with a correction order related to her social media posts about death-row inmate legal processes. 内政部表示,Annamalai没有列入必要的更正通知,也没有对该命令提出法律质疑。 The Ministry of Home Affairs indicated that Annamalai did not include a required correction notice and did not challenge the order legally. 他们强调纠正关于政府政策的虚假声明的重要性。 They emphasized the importance of correcting false statements on government policy.