新加坡提出新的法律, 以遏制滥用法庭程序为目的, Singapore proposes new laws to curb "lawfare," targeting misuse of court processes in abuse cases.
新加坡政府正在对《司法行政法》提出修正案, 以打击“法律利益”或滥用法庭程序骚扰或恐吓他人的行为。 Singapore's government is proposing amendments to the Administration of Justice Act to combat "lawfare," or the misuse of court processes to harass or intimidate others. 新法案将追究那些从事或鼓励此类侵权行为的人的责任,同时不降低目前藐视法庭罪的门槛。 The new bill would hold liable those who engage in or encourage such abuses, without lowering the current threshold for contempt of court. 目的是保护司法系统不被武器化,特别是在家庭虐待的情况下。 The aim is to protect the justice system from being weaponized, particularly in cases of domestic abuse. 议员们对合法申诉可能受到的影响以及需要保障措施以确保一个公平和容易利用的法律制度提出了关切。 MPs have raised concerns about potential impacts on legitimate grievances and the need for safeguards to ensure a fair and accessible legal system.