新加坡命令团体纠正有关死刑和残疾的虚假指控。 Singapore orders correction from group over false claims about death penalty and disabilities.
新加坡政府根据假新闻法Pofma, 对反死刑团体 " 改革司法集体 " (TJC)下达了更正令。 The Singapore government has issued a correction order to the anti-death penalty group Transformative Justice Collective (TJC) under its fake news law, Pofma. 该命令要求TJC纠正错误地声称三名被处决的囚犯因残疾而不予考虑的社交媒体文章。 The order requires TJC to correct social media posts that falsely claimed three executed prisoners were not considered for their disabilities. TJC因不遵守规定而面临潜在的罚款和监禁时间,因为违抗Pofma命令的个人可被处以最高50 000美元的罚款或最高5年的监禁。 TJC faces potential fines and jail time for non-compliance, as individuals defying Pofma orders could be fined up to $50,000 or jailed for up to five years.