新加坡更新法律, 惩罚法院以骚扰或勒索为目的的轻率申诉。 Singapore updates laws to penalize frivolous court claims aimed at harassment or extortion.
新加坡法律部更新了防止法院滥用权力的法律,澄清说,对骚扰或勒索和解提出无关紧要的申诉,现在被视为藐视法庭。 The Ministry of Law in Singapore has updated laws to prevent court abuse, clarifying that filing unmeritorious claims to harass or extort settlements is now considered contempt of court. 这些变化旨在解决新加坡和其他国家出现的轻率索赔案上升的问题。 These changes aim to tackle a rise in frivolous claims observed in Singapore and other countries. 对《司法(保护)法》进行了修订,以包括对此类侵权行为的处罚,同时确保个人仍然可以在没有法律代理的情况下起诉或为自己辩护。 The Administration of Justice (Protection) Act was amended to include penalties for such abuses, while also ensuring individuals can still sue or defend themselves without legal representation. 该部将监测局势,以确定是否需要进一步改革。 The ministry will monitor the situation to see if further reforms are needed.