孟买高等法院在Mukta Dabholkar质疑杀害她父亲的凶手无罪释放一事上发布通告。 Bombay High Court issues notices in Mukta Dabholkar's challenge to her father's killers' acquittal.
孟买高等法院向所有被告和 CBI 发出通知,此前 Mukta Dabholkar 的请愿书质疑 3 名被指控杀害其父亲 Narendra Dabholkar 的人的无罪释放,Narendra Dabholkar 是一名理性主义者和反迷信活动家。 Bombay High Court issues notices to all accused and CBI following Mukta Dabholkar's petition challenging acquittal of 3 individuals accused of killing her father, Narendra Dabholkar, a rationalist and anti-superstition activist. Mukta辩称,开庭法院的命令没有考虑确立涉及所有被告的更大阴谋的证据,并辩称杀人是计划周密的谋杀。 Mukta argues that the sessions court order failed to consider evidence that establishes a larger conspiracy involving all the accused, and contends that the killing was a well-planned murder. 此事已公布于9月23日进一步听证。 The matter has been posted for further hearing on September 23.