许多爱尔兰工人不知道2024年9月开始的新的自动注册养老金计划。 Many Irish workers unaware of new auto-enrolment pension scheme starting in September 2024.
超过四分之一没有职业养恤金的爱尔兰工人不知道政府将于2024年9月启动自动注册退休储蓄计划。 Over a quarter of Irish workers without occupational pensions are unaware of the government's upcoming auto-enrolment retirement savings scheme, set to launch in September 2024. 该计划针对的是23至60岁每年至少赚取20 000欧元收入的人。 The scheme targets those aged 23 to 60 earning at least €20,000 annually. 雇主和雇员缴款将从1.5%开始,到2034年将逐渐增加到6%和2%。 Contributions will start at 1.5% from both employers and employees, gradually rising to 6% and 2% by 2034. 意识从2023年的18%升至2024年的28%,78%的知情者说他们将留在计划中。 Awareness has risen to 28% in 2024 from 18% in 2023, with 78% of those aware saying they would stay in the plan. 目前,67%的工人有一定的养老金覆盖率,但是在45-54岁的人中是最高的,在较年轻的工人中是最低的。 Currently, 67% of workers have some pension coverage, but it's highest among 45-54 year-olds and lowest among younger workers.