汉弗莱斯部长预计自动注册养老金立法将在年底前获得通过,涉及工人、雇主和国家为 75 万人缴纳养老金计划,其中大部分是未参加该计划的女性。 Minister Humphreys expects auto-enrolment pension legislation passed by year's end, involving workers, employers, and state contributing to pension plans for 750,000 people, mostly women not in a scheme.
社会保障部长希瑟·汉弗莱斯 (Heather Humphreys) 预计,自动登记养老金立法将在议会众议院获得通过,并在今年年底前启动并运行。 Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys expects to have auto enrolment pension legislation passed in the Houses of the Oireachtas and up and running by the end of the year. 该提案涉及工人、雇主和国家分别为每位工人的养老金缴纳 3 欧元、3 欧元和 1 欧元。 The proposal involves workers, employers, and the state each contributing €3, €3, and €1 respectively towards each worker's pension. 该举措旨在确保 75 万人(主要是目前没有参加养老金计划的女性)拥有退休养老金计划。 This initiative aims to ensure 750,000 people, primarily women not currently in a pension scheme, will have a pension plan for retirement.