奢侈品牌推出更便宜的商品, 在美国奢侈品销售下降6%的情况下引诱中产阶级购物者。 Luxury brands introduce cheaper items to lure middle-class shoppers amid a 6% drop in US luxury sales.
豪华品牌正在增加更多负担得起的商品,如围巾、腰带和家用商品,以吸引对价格敏感的中产阶级购物者,这回应了11月份美国奢侈品支出下降6%。 Luxury brands are adding more affordable items like scarves, belts, and home goods to attract price-sensitive middle-class shoppers, responding to a 6% drop in US luxury spending in November. 这一转变旨在应对经济不确定性,但可能降低利润率。 This shift aims to counter economic uncertainties but may reduce profit margins. 品牌还与大众市场零售商合作,以保持相关性,促进今后的高端销售。 Brands are also collaborating with mass-market retailers to maintain relevance and foster future high-end sales.