新西兰囚犯为有意义的圣诞节从事社区服务和技能建设活动。 New Zealand prisoners engage in community service and skill-building activities for a meaningful Christmas.
今年圣诞节,新西兰囚犯正在参加社区服务和技能建设活动,包括做饭、向食品银行捐赠产品以及为住院儿童制作玩具。 This Christmas, New Zealand prisoners are participating in community service and skill-building activities, including cooking meals, donating produce to food banks, and crafting toys for hospitalized children. 这些努力不仅有助于他们重返社会,而且提供了一种目的感。 These efforts not only aid in their reintegration but also provide a sense of purpose. 惩教工作人员还参与慈善捐助,并在整个节假日工作,以维护安全。 Corrections staff are also involved in charitable donations and work throughout the holiday season to maintain safety.