印度最高法院裁定 毒品缉获的程序性错误 并不自动批准保释 India's Supreme Court rules that procedural errors in drug seizures don't automatically grant bail.
印度最高法院裁定,不遵守《麻醉药品和精神药物法》第52A条并不自动允许那些被指控犯有毒品罪行的人获得保释。 The Supreme Court of India ruled that failing to follow Section 52A of the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act does not automatically grant bail to those accused of drug offenses. 法院强调,扣押毒品的程序错误并不使证据不可受理。 The court emphasized that procedural errors in the seizure of drugs do not make the evidence inadmissible. 决定意味着除非满足《国民民主党法》的其他条件,否则不会仅仅根据这些程序问题准予保释。 The decision means that bail will not be granted based solely on these procedural issues unless other conditions of the NDPS Act are met. 法院还请德里高等法院根据这项裁决重新考虑其早些时候作出的保释决定。 The court also asked the Delhi High Court to reconsider its earlier bail decision based on this ruling.