印度最高法院清除了前军官Bharti Arora, 批评不公正的毒品案件程序。 India's Supreme Court clears ex-officer Bharti Arora, criticizes unfair drug case procedures.
印度最高法院撤销了对前IPS官员Bharti Arora在一个毒品案件中的诉讼,批评特别法官不公正地行事,无视适当的法律程序。 The Supreme Court of India has quashed proceedings against former IPS officer Bharti Arora in a drugs case, criticizing the special judge for acting unfairly and ignoring proper legal procedures. 该案涉及Ran Singh因拥有鸦片于2005年被捕,Arora指示进行调查,认为Singh被错误地牵连进来。 The case involved the arrest of Ran Singh in 2005 for possession of opium, with Arora directing an inquiry that suggested Singh was falsely implicated. 尽管如此,Singh仍被定罪,而其他人则被宣告无罪。 Despite this, Singh was convicted while others were acquitted. 最高法院发现重大的程序失误,并强调了公平审判原则的重要性。 The Supreme Court found significant procedural lapses and emphasized the importance of fair trial principles.